

I feel embarrassed for myself.

This man behind me had garden vegetables, two baguettes, white wine, and other miscellaneous classy items for dinner.

Me? 4 tubs of cottage cheese, 4 packs of salami/bologna, 5 bottles of various vitamins, and a tomato.

Another dream last night:
I was sitting across the table from my ex-best friend of 2nd to 6th grade, and we were continuously handed plates of food to eat- you'd think this would be a great dream, but hold on- while filling out this sheet of paper that was a test/questionnaire. Behind me sat my brother with some other fellow. The course went on, smooth sailing, but when everybody was presented with a bar of chocolate on a plate, I proceeded to eat it by cutting it with a knife. I kept eating it until somebody spoke up and started complaining about why I was using a knife to eat a chocolate bar. I got angry to the point where I grabbed the last of the chocolate and threw it so hard against the wall on the other side of the room that it crushed into oblivion. Not only that, it hit a point on the wall between the judge and Chad, the R.A. I have no idea how Chad ended up in my dream- I have never spoken more than one or two words to him every time I saw him. Weird. Then he got miffed at the chocolate almost killing him that he went outside with the judge and started yelling, so loudly that everybody could hear him.

My back aches. I'm done typing.

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