

That feeling of being behind never leaves.

Would you put your personal success over friendship, or would you rather keep your friends while accepting failure? How selfless is too selfless?

An invitation to an event without even the slightest mention of food. How long have you known me?

Talking to Janey recently. Thinking- why put ourselves in situations that we're not going to enjoy, even if it is just for others to enjoy your presence? Getting drunk and hung over to get over a tedious circumstance which you would otherwise not put yourself in.

My parents were very poor when they were younger. Looking at the 99 cent preserved bean curd in my fridge reminded me of that. Even though one dollar for a jar of bean curd is relatively inexpensive, they only had one cube out of that jar with one bowl of rice for lunch everyday. They were that poor back then. How far they've come to get where they are. I wonder if I could ever find drive like them, to do something grand. For them, it was economic mobility. walking 5 miles to and from school everyday, a family of 9 living in a 3-bedroom house.

I'm trying to avoid writing my marine biology paper. It's 2 AM. I don't know what I'm doing up.

Going to be in the city until the 22nd. Since I'm the only one who knows when I have free time, maybe I should put forth the effort to ask particular people out to dinner? But the effort's not there. And the prospect of an awkward, stomach-upsetting time. Hmm, decisions, decisions. I can't believe I care, even if just a little.

I'm drinking orange juice 6 days past its expiration date. Not sick yet, but the first instance of baked feta cheese- stomach virus for two weeks. Damn you, Colina's.

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