
eric arthur blair

Oof. I feel horrible.

Hmm, a woman? Well, if the woman can't cook or refuses to, then you just might have to resort to ordering pizza, and unlike video games, there's always the possibility that she could leave you at any time. Video games are much easier to replace, and I wouldn't know about my own filth; I'm compulsive about cleaning, even at other people's places. Still, I do wonder what would happen if I were to asphyxiate/die in my apartment; nobody would probably even find my body until the rent's long overdue. And then you suppose if the death occurred at the beginning of the month. That would mean my body would be rotting for almost a month before anyone ever found out. In conclusion, the benefit of having a significant other: no rotting body in the house. I suppose that would be contributing to my own filth. Still, what if both of you died at the same time? Then there would be two decaying corpses in the apartment. Solution: have more than 2 partners.

Dreamed last night that I was in a car with 7 other Indians, 5 of which I knew from high school, the other 2 having no faces. Then we ended up at a pool party, where I was turning the lock the wrong locker but still managed to open it. Once I looked in my book, where I had written my locker number and combo, I found this Swiss roll inside, vanilla flavored sponge cake, with a red and white filling in the center. I looked around and noticed that it was some girl with a crush on me who had put it in there. Before getting to the pool area, I offered this big kid some of my sunblock, but decided to leave the place instead of attending. This other girl at the party also left, not looking so well. She was talking to her boyfriend on the phone about how she didn't want to get wet and cold from swimming, exacerbating her illness. And how fortunate for me, she decided to not mention the source of her illness until the last minute: ebola.

Laundry day. Think I'll go see Batman. Then pack.

Oh yeah, what I heard yesterday: "She can't drink. After just 2 shots, her face turns red." ~asshole boyfriend speaking for his girlfriend. I empathize with her.

Looking on facebook at a photo where the friend comments that her family is a dang good-lookin' group. I guess if you think an overhanging belly on one girl, thick arms on another, double chin on the lady, don't mess with texas t-shirt on the guy, and practically average caucasian girl are attractive, then sure. More about those sexuality stats- most people prefer someone with average looking facial features. Think of that the next time someone chooses you or you choose them. Who's average, you or the other? Actors/actresses deviate from the norm, which is why their appearances may be idolized.

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