

I will have to say... taking the MCAT for something to do. Would you care to stand still with me and let the world fade away? That, or work on a farm for a while.

I do not bitch about vegetarian meals, I state the fact. They aren't filling. And... I think I've had my fill of tofu for a while along with sausage. I ate 3 blocks of tofu in the past 4 or 5 days. Anything firmer than silken tofu is disgusting at this point. Still, I could go for 豆腐花,豆脑,麻婆豆腐。

Randomly surfing facebook to waste time on my paper due in 7 hours. So I'm still a slacker. I don't like writing papers, especially for a bullshit class, but the topic seems interesting to an extent. Water pollution, sustainability.

My journey across facebook has led me to find out that Clare has a tumblr, that people are using my nicknames in conversation, that Janey is friends with Drab now (I'm going to have to reprimand her for that one tomorrow), that my cousin is back in LA, that I find myself critiquing people's faces.

Bubble butt.

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