

Sour sphincter vomit. HAHA!

It's always a test to see who crumbles first.

Janey's jealous that I criticize Drab more than her on my blog. Not sure why people would complain about being teased too little. I'm going to assume this is all a part of her krazy katie phase.

Right as I walked out the door to my apartment and started crossing, this lady at the street corner drops the stalk of celery from her bag of groceries. I'm getting better at this.

Fucking Asian couple sitting next to me at the movie theater, cuddling and staring at me. So annoying. Asshole Asian guy even dares to put his sorry excuse for coffee Starbucks into the cup holder of my armrest.

Dark Knight... Batman talking as if his nuts descended every time night fell. I never liked the Joker as a villain before in cartoons, but Heath Ledger's portrayal was acceptable. He definitely made me laugh at all the stuff he did in the movie. Maggie Gyllenhaal was a bit one-dimensional.

Phase 1: meet the friend, i.e., Claremont's Carl Jung.

Phase 2: befriend the friend of the friend.

Phase 3: replace the friend with that friend, i.e., replace Carl's Jr. with Claremont.

Phase 4: tea time.

Going to miss the L line.

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