

If you want to grab xiaolongbao, then you should reach me before I start my vegetarian diet. That'll be... after I finish all the sausage/bratwurst/hot dogs. So maybe by the end of this week.

I like it when my predictions about which relationships will fail end up failing. MMM! The world is right again.

Next book read: Julia Child: My Life in France. My other choices are limited to things about the brain, memory, science fiction, or relationships. Food seems to be the best option.

Weird articles about McCain. You people leave him alone! If he wants to be himself, let him be illiterate for all he wants. There's nothing wrong with a man his age not being able to read off a teleprompter...

1 comment:

dubrav said...

you're becoming a vegetarian?

you who bitches about vegetarian meals not being filling enough?