
ann yonng

Oh right. You can pick up your gift, Drab, as early as the end of this week. If you don't happen to get this message, mmmm, too bad.

One of many ways in which to improve the efficiency of public transportation: either kick all the foreign oldies off, or teach every single one of them how to open the back door (by pressing on the bar or the door panel when the green light turns ON).

Bad mistake: grabbing all the fried items in the "soul food" section. Fried zucchini, fried chicken breast, 3 fried chicken wings, baked beans, and corn on the cob. My face is oozing oil from all of its pores.

Old people... they tend to do funny things. I was using the ground floor bathroom before leaving the hospital tonight, and this veteran was washing his hair with soap in the bathroom.

Janey and I had a gabfest over old school Chinese music. Mmmm. Just as long we don't reach a point where we start gushing over our Danskos, I'm okay.

The things Danimals said in lab today reminded me of this evil villain in this manga I'm currently reading, where evil dude thinks the world needs to feel more pain right now in order to appreciate peace, since currently people are taking such moments for granted.

Take-out for journal club tomorrow! Let's hope Benihana's better at picking Chinese restaurants than Drab.

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