
el salvador

I like how you comment on the title of my post, but not on any of the content. I only know that name because Drab was carrying his book in his jacket like the dweeb that he is.

At dinner tonight, I also couldn't come up with details on Leigh-Ugh's future cognitive decline with Alzheimer, but thinking back on it, what's the use of telling her? She's just going to forget it in 50+ years anyway.

Sleepwalking. Talking in my sleep. Maybe that could explain why I'm so tired all the time. I woke up this morning with my Navy Seal book on my bed. The only things that usually go on my bed are me, fruit, or science books.

Leigh-Ugh and Drab were also talking about how they didn't feel that much nostalgia when they went back to Rice. I kind of had to agree- I got a larger surge of emotion rummaging through my storage boxes- textbooks and notes amassed from all 4 years- at home than when visiting the campus. 100 mechanical cranes- it's like a modern day version of those Asian banners. Oof, already forgetting my Asian Art History terms. Lacquer, dou gong, anything else?


MattPatt said...

You guys are right, but I wonder if that's not mainly due to the fact that they started three massive construction projects immediately after we left? It's hard to have nostalgia for a place that already looks radically different from the one you remember. I think I got more sentimental about the Beer Bike track than about revisiting Jones last month.

X X said...

If you say so Siu...sometimes I just like the titles of your posts and have less to say about the content :)