
kain ein horeh

Would it be wrong to pretend to be bisexual in order to help others? What free clinic chooses volunteers based on sexual orientation?!

My new love: the nature.com website. Not even for the content- I just like staring at it. Superficial. Oh well.

Turned in an application for a job. Going to submit my internship application later in the week. Turning in volunteer applications for an acupuncture clinic and memory-related center tomorrow. If I wake up on time. So what's left? I guess writing some semblance of a personal statement.

But I don't know what the prompt is! Netscape, Firefox, Safari, Opera. NONE of them work on my computer!!!

I ran into Drab 2.0 twice today. The first time, he ignored me. Asshole. His qualities always remind me of outdated Drab 1.0. Second time I saw him was at the pre-health office. Peer advisor?!

Poorneel will be visiting me in the foggy city! I wonder if there's a techno club in town- glow sticks, fog, strobe lights.

Crap. There's a party this weekend, isn't there? Here's where my econ degree could come in handy: cost-benefit analysis of partying with Drab on the weekend.

The reasoning and sound judgment area of my brain malfunctioned today- I toyed with the thought of buying a pair of skinny jeans- it may just look better with casual sneakers. AHHH!!!

1 comment:

Bryce said...

After I read your opening sentence I immediately imagined a bisexual super hero. I guess that's not where you were going with it.

A nuclear accident left our hero Jason Siu scarred and charred... but with a new secret power! His special ability? Why, the power to convince members of both genders that he finds them attractive! Will Fake Bisexual Man be of use in San Francisco? Tune in and find out! Every Wednesday at 9. On Oxygen.