

TOTAL ATHLETIC CONDITIONING! I feel like I always have to say that with a booming voice because it sounds unbelievable to begin with.

Things sinking in from previous conversations: "Why don't we hang out as much?"

Multiple reasons, I guess. A combination of events that lead to unexpected results.

How long did it take me before I finally called volunteer departments around the city? About three months. I'm proactive about most things (well, food mainly); I get what I want, when I want it.

It takes me a week to think about calling Drab to ask him to dim sum. I think of all these cute sayings I could use, such as "Come eat with me or I'll burn your jacket to ashes." It takes me another week to muster the courage to call. And then the birthday message. And then the floods. And then sleeping through the next day. And then the processing of thought and action are reset.

I don't know. Today I start laughing just by looking up at my ceiling from my bed. I'm easily entertained... but I GUESS I should go out, to make me more human of a being. Sigh.

Those times during my childhood when I thought my heart was beating out of pure joy for fast food were really just my heart palpitating rapidly to pump more blood across clogged arteries. I'm swearing off fast food FOREVER. Unless a new product comes along, like those calzone pockets, or the new spinach artichoke chicken flavor lean pockets.

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