

so I've been talking to Janey about working in a fine dining establishment.

The job requires that I possess knowledge of wines old and new world, and liquor. BLEGH!

By the way, does anybody know what old world and new world wine means???

My levels of nerd-dom have increased a hundred-fold: I am now a part of second life. In addition to ineffectively managing this life, I get the opportunity to worry about my cyber-life.

So much for studying for the Marine Biology exam. Instead, I've been obsessed with trying to win all my games in Scrabulous. OH WELL! That's my way of "sticking it to 'em."

Notable quote of last night: "I'm so glad you're here!" Clare, in reference to the gas station and NOT Leigh-ugh nor me. Jackass.


Bryce said...

no no no!
you didn't join second life...
now real jason is going to spend all of his time writing FAKE jason's second life blog or something.

dubrav said...

hey! you should come to a second nature event and we can nerd all over each other!

old world - from europe (asia/africa?) / australia (i think)
new world - from n/s america

you know, the typical old/new world usage

dubrav said...

i am slightly wrong:


Jesse said...

omg! Second Life??

Hilarious....I wanna join just so I can see Fake Jason Siu now...