

This weekend, besides uber-studying/not really, I have to clean the floors of this apartment and start buying furniture.

Now that guy is an internationally renowned neurosurgeon/pilot/gourmet chef with his own private jet that he recently sold since he's too old to fly, and commutes via train to UCSF.

I ran into the Russian lady today. She wants me to drop by her place anytime. These neighbors are so nice. Too nice. Why weren't my neighbors this nice in Texas?

My friend who is currently living and working in Salt Lake City invited me to stay at his place during winter break to go skiing since his 1-BR apartment, which is only costing him a cool grand over there, also happens to have an extra bedroom. It would be nice to see snow again, and to see one of the rare few high school friends that I managed to keep in touch with over the years. Oddly enough, I would often silence/ignore his calls whenever I was in Austin at the same time he was, because I didn't feel like hanging out. So I'm a bad friend. Whatev.

I still do that sometimes, if not by accident, to certain people who are also living in the Bay Area.

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