

Neuroscience Nexus: cheesiest name of an email flyer EVER.

You could have asked me to get you a DP shirt- I DO live in Waco, after all. The chips- the ones without that much wasabi powder put on them are tolerable. Being one who doesn't enjoy wasabi on sushi in the first place, I was slightly impressed with the chips. Eat them with a glass of water.

I'd rather not learn about echidnas today. I'm going to watch acrobatic sex. That's right. Lust, Caution. Hopefully there won't be as many annoying Asians there this time.

Tomorrow- I may go hear a talk by Hiroshi Sugimoto, the same guy who had a photography exhibition at the De Young Museum a while back.

Crap. "I have to go poop," in the words of Clare.

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