
wishful thinking

new favorite cheese: colby jack.

I was at borders the other day when they started playing David Bowie's Under Pressure, which reminded me of the time when Leigh-ugh and Lizbean were talking to each other about how they both liked that song.

Pressure, pushing down on me, pushing down on you, no man ask for.

MMM Banh Mi!

Former Michelle Kwan fan. Kind of still am. Yeah.

I woke up early yesterday morning to go to school and design the powerpoint slides with my middle-aged partner, who's taking developmental biology but wanting to become a lawyer, and along the way towards the bus this old man is walking towards the other direction and smiles at me. Why do weird old people gravitate towards me? I wasn't wearing a cane, my back wasn't bent at a right angle, but I am ornery. Maybe that's how it works: single old men pair off like the odd couple.

1 comment:

Jing said...

colby jack is delicious. mmmmm...