

Never rely on your parents- they will ultimately disappoint you.

Never talk to your extended family- they will relay your future plans to your immediate family.

Betrayal, by my own parents. They still manage to bring drama into my life, after distancing myself away from them.

All my relatives are calling, wanting to see how I am, what I've been up to. There is nothing in me that wants to talk to anybody connected to my parents right now.

If I were to stem my inability to love others to a source, I would pinpoint it to my parents. If even your own parents can't provide unconditional love, what makes one think that they could find it elsewhere?

My household is devoid of love. Cheating, lying, stealing, yelling- all under one roof. No wonder I try to stay away from that mess whenever I can.

The search for financial independence is on again. My deadline is end of December. Hopefully I'll find anything by then.

1 comment:

Jing said...

awww - what about your cousins?