
while loop

So I will be schooling for a year. What to do in the next year? Culinary school??? YEAH?! Napa Valley before Med/Grad school- eating, learning how to eat, learning how to cook for a year.

I thought all this talk about food would make your mouth water, Janey. And NO I'm not trying to bed anyone! When did any of my plans ever involve sex??? I will never be old. Old is a state of mind. Like Alzheimer's.

What kinds of Chinese cakes? The ones with taro filling, mango filling? More exxxplicit, please.

What should I eat today?

My Comp Sci teacher is mean. We're learning while loops today.

Exam today wasn't too bad, but I get the feeling I may be losing half-points on some questions. Devo test tomorrow. I had the feeling that the girl sitting behind me to the right was trying to cheat off me, mainly because I saw her eyes glancing at my desktop from the corner of my eyes.


Jing said...

ooo learn to cook and do it - screw med school and open a fine restaurant where you serve nice little cakes (the one with the not sweet icing and fruit) and fried taro dim sum...

i'm so hungry.

Bryce said...

yeah... open a food place (restaurant).