

The mark of excellence in cooking is always to be able to duplicate the same dish. I had plans... plans that aren't going through. I bet it was because I used minced garlic instead of fresh garlic. The proportions of the spices were wrong, too. Stupid chili. Still, I ended up having a food coma last night. Shouldn't have eaten that third bowl...

MCAT is back in season/session. Aye.

With my chili last night, I used those Tostito's scoops. I ended up eating 7/10 of the 10-serving bag.

My relatives are going to Europe without me. This is what I get for thinking about my future success instead of living in the moment. I'm sure you all can tell which is always the better option.

I need to find another friend in SF. Maybe I'll start looking for a Drab replacement, so that Drab isn't the only option I have to choose from when I have exciting news/food to share.

Oh right, weekend with Poorneel. Next time. And... second grade of my life?

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