
gabriel pascal

Could HAVE asked. Your Cockney British roots are showing again. Repeat after me: "In Hartford, Hereford and Hampshire hurricanes hardly ever happen."

Asking you for directions would only further confirm your suspicions of my exact whereabouts in a particular edifice on a specific day. And isn't it a bit premature to be getting your panties in a twist about my potential placement? Besides, I never let people know, not even my parents, of my whereabouts at any moment.

"Where are you?"
"Home." (Train rushes by...)
"What's that noise?!"
"...the computer?"
"Oh. Be sure to eat something."

If anyone hosted a party on the lawn like that in My Fair Lady, with the black and white dresses for women and grey suits for men, oh wouldn't that be lovely. "Move yer bloomin' arse!"

If I could rewrite my Rice form, the three people I would like to meet are Henry Higgins, Dr. Gregory House, and Dr. Temperance Brennan.

1 comment:

MattPatt said...

I think I forgot my three people about ten minutes after I sent in the form. No, wait, one of them was Aaron Sorkin. God only knows who the other two were.

But my celebrity torrid affair was Jake Gyllenhaal! Still is, too.