

Ever get that drowning feeling? It seems to occur most frequently around finals time. Whereas before it would be the stress to do well just to make a decent grad, this time it's the stress to make an A and not an A-. You wonder if stress is ultimately inevitable. If you want to perform well, it's going to be there. If you're not performing so well, there's still the pressure to maintain in that level of mediocrity. Do you think growth and advancement could still occur in a state of complacency?

Extra credit paper, powerpoint/paper, and exam this week. Aiya.

Definites for this summer? Volunteering once I go to the orientation on Wednesday. Language interpretation, assuming the teachers don't see through my lack of fluency.

Considerations: classes- astronomy, human sexuality. research- chemistry lab.

Janey's boyfriend: picture Ray Romano, whose cheeks haven't fattened up yet from old age. HAHAHA!