
Luck of the Irish

whoo, two A's for the summer. I have to wait for the last class.

walking around the city again today. no time for posts. ciao.

PIs are so nice when it comes to writing letters of recommendation for you. I thought Dr. Tao wouldn't be able to write anything good for me, but she was more than willing to help. The lady I interviewed with a few days ago wanted me to obtain a letter from her, but I was afraid she couldn't write anything since I only researched under her for a semester. Getting a letter from someone nominated as Top 10 most influential Chinese in the world and winner of the "You Bring Charm to the World" Award in China should help, yes?

My parents are still ruling over me. They don't want me living near 黑人。They're so Asian. Even one of Clare's friend's parents asked the same question. Jesus.

I think I'll want to visit LA for another week.

I emailed the volunteer coordinator at Texas Children's that I was going to return my badge. I should do that soon.

I met a girl yesterday- her name's Edele. 19. Irish. Staying in San Francisco for the summer since her sister's a law student here. She might come back to the States since she enjoyed it so much, but she's not sure if her college has a program for studying abroad here. Took me three tries before, no wait, I never correctly guessed her accent.

Are we still supposed to be receiving emails from the Jones listserv, or any other clubs for that matter?

OH YEAH I can learn how to use my manga software today! That, or finish the 4 books I have left. Decisions.

My dream last night: Me against some other person, trying to rescue a little girl. It happened in the house I lived in as a kid. We were throwing some types of needles. Like acupuncture needles, but thicker. I would be hitting him, but whenever a needle hit me, I could see it dig into my skin. Or it wouldn't be a deep cut- it would go in and out of my skin, like someone trying to pop a blister with a pin. I would constantly be pulling those needles out of my skin- every last one of them. The other guy would be pulling them out, too, as soon as one of mine dug into him. The needle fight lasted for a while. Boring dream.

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